Saturday, 5 May 2018

What You Need To Know About Closed Loop Filtration Glove Boxes?

When it comes to dealing with highly sensitive or harmful substances, it is necessary that great care is taken to protect against any harm to scientists and the laboratories. There are certain substances which can easily react with particles in the atmosphere and cause unwanted reactions. Some substances are also harmful in nature whose airborne molecules might harm the scientists. Hence, one needs an enclosed space in which operators can work safely with these chemicals.
This is where Glove boxes come into foray. These are enclosures in which operators can work with these harmful and sensitive substances from the outside through the gloves which go inside the enclosures.

Various types of glove boxes available

There are multiple types of glove boxes who provide different levels of isolation. There are boxes which provide complete controlled atmospheric isolation where even the temperature, humidity levels and pressure are different from outside. These types of glove boxes even isolate the gases so that substances that are reactive to even gas molecules or humidity levels remain uncontaminated.
Then there are filtered glove boxes where the enclosures provide complete isolation from outside environment, but they don't provide amenities to create different atmospheric conditions inside. In these boxes, although most of the particulates that comprise of harmful molecules, dirt, soot, bacteria, aerosols etc. are filtered, they don't filter gases. Thus, for any chemicals that are reactive to different gases, one would need an inert atmospheric isolated glove box.

Even amongst the filtered glove boxes, we have two types:
  1. Open loop filtered glove boxes: These boxes are open to the outside atmosphere where the openings are fitted with HEPA/ULPA filters that separate all the particulates.
  2. Closed loop filtered glove boxes: These boxes are not directly open to the outside atmosphere and the air inside is filtered after several rounds of circulation through the filters.
Unlike open loop filtered glove boxes, the closed loop glove boxes circulate the internal air to go through several rounds of filtration through the HEPA/ULPA filters before it is released outside.
This not only ensures that the air inside is properly filtered, but also speeds up the filtration process. These closed loop glove boxes provide a more efficient way to filter all the harmful particulates so that the operators remain unharmed.

There are however few points to remember before purchasing a closed loop filtered glove box:
  1. They are not for highly dangerous substances: If you are working with highly dangerous bacteria, pathogens etc., then you would need a containment glove box rather than the filtered glove box. These devices are not made for handling substances that require complete separation from the outside
  2. Requirements: There are various closed loop filtered glove boxes that also provide atmospheric isolation and can work in both the forms. But these are far more expensive than the regular ones. So, choose the one based on your requirement.
  3. Size: These filtered glove boxes come in various shapes and sizes. Some are small and portable that can be shifted from one place to the other and can only be worked by one person where as some are big and stationary where multiple people can work together.

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