Saturday, 25 August 2018

Inspection of Laminar Flow Hoods - What you need to know about it?

Laminar flow hoods are used to provide filtered air to avoid contamination in laboratories or research facilities. High efficiency Particulate Air filter, popularly known as HEPA filter is used to filter the air. This sterile air that is introduced has same velocity and flows in one direction only. The clean benches or Laminar flow hood help keep the sample of the experiment safe from all kinds of outside contamination. The direction of airflow in these clean benches is such that while it does keep the sample safe, it does nothing for the safety of the user. The user is open to contamination and should be careful of the radiations.

Like every other device that we use in a laboratory or a healthcare pharmacy or even in a hospital, it also needs inspection from time to time. Maintenance of all devices is of utmost importance. Clean benches require extra taking care and thus inspections of the same happen frequently.

All testing should be done with proper calibrated instruments and it should be at par with industry standards. Not only laminar flow hoods requires maintenance and inspection even its accessories like HEPA filter, Pharmacy Compounding Isolators, Clean Air Work stations, Clean Room Unidirectional Zones also requires the same maintenance and inspection.

Guidelines are established by IEST -002, ISO 14644 to ensure that the products are up to the mark. Every accessory are tested individually, and the reports too are individually documented. 

What needs to be inspected?

·         Air Velocity Profile: Checked to avoid contamination of air.
·         Integrity Testing of HEPA Filters: Existing HEPA filters are tested to avoid any kind of leakage which may lead to contamination
·         Non-Viable Particle Counting:
·         Air Testing
·         Surface Testing
·         Airflow Visualization Profile
·         Measurement of Temperature and Relative Humidity
·         Vibration Testing
·         Induction Leak Testing
·         Sound Level Measurement and Testing

Most manufacturers recommend an annual testing but in lot of industries and facilities frequent check-ups are recommended. Depending on the usage of the laminar flow hoods, or the industry that it is being used in, maintenance can be recommended semi-annually or even quarterly. It is industry specific the inspection of any laminar flow hood and its various accessories.

It is highly advisable that a laminar hood is kept on 24 hours, if for any reason it turns off then first it should be cleaned properly by turning it on for at least 30 minutes and then to be used again.
These inspections are required from time to time to avoid contaminations or leakage in the laminar flow hood. It is very important that the facilities which use these laminar flow hoods should keep a regular check on it. Laminar flow hoods work to prevent contamination. In the case of leakage of any kind of radiation or any such unwanted rays, it could be hazardous for the people working there. Their safety is of utmost importance because only that will ensure that the laboratory functions properly.

With the various testing that are done from time to time, a fully functional Laminar Flow Hood is essential for every Laboratory, hospital or a healthcare pharmacy.

What Is Science Laboratory Equipment?

In every science laboratory, you’ll find some basic equipment which will be used in day to day experimentation. This equipment helps in carrying out various tasks including measuring and other important procedures and hence they play a crucial role in experimentation. They are also pivotal in the following aspect that, their accuracy is very important in deducing various conclusions in a science laboratory. Following are a few types of scientific lab equipment which are used for various purposes. 

    Beakers: Beakers are one of the most common components in a science laboratory. They act as a container for mixing or heating various components. They come in different sizes and depending upon the need, different beakers are used. They also come in various shapes where some specific beakers are used only in some special cases as when the shape of the beaker becomes crucial to carry out an experiment. 

    The test tube is small glass tubes of which one end is closed and the other end is open. These test tubes are used for holding small samples of the chemicals and their mixtures. They are also used in heating various chemicals. 

    Watch glasses are generally concave or convex in shape and they are used in holding a small amount of liquid. They are used for various purposes, for example, watch glass is used in evaporating substances. Watch glasses often act as a lid for the beakers from time to time. 

    Droppers are used to pour a small amount of liquid or to squeeze out some amount of liquid. They are a narrow tube with tips at one end and a rubber bulb on the other end. Droppers are used extensively in chemical laboratories. 

    Funnels come in various sizes. These are made from plastic though glass funnels are also not uncommon. They have a short or a long stem. The length of the stem is defined by on what purpose the funnel is used for. In some cases, funnels with a short stem are used and in some other cases, funnels with the long stem are used. 

    Graduated cylinders are used to measure the volume of a liquid. There are various markings on the graduated cylinder. These markings follow an incremental pattern and thus, just watching the marking, it can be said about how much volume of the liquid is in that graduated cylinder.
    Spatula: If you are testing with solid chemicals, then at one point or the other time, you need to scoop out a portion of the solid chemical. In order to scoop out a portion of the chemical, the Spatula is used. 

    Bunsen burner is an apparatus which is used in the scientific laboratory equipment in order to heat objects. They are connected to inflammable sources by which they could work as a heating source for various chemicals. It is required to take utmost precaution when you are dealing with Bunsen burner. 

    A laboratory thermometer is used to take the temperature of the liquid. There are different types of thermometers used in scientific laboratories. Some are made up of glass and some other are made up thermocouples.

Friday, 24 August 2018

Laminar Flow Hood -- An Air Flow In A Confined Space Whose Velocity And Direction Are Same.

A laminar flow hood is a closed clean bench which is used to regulate the filtered air from HEPA filter. These HEPA filters helps to remove small microscopic particles like aerosols and micro-organisms from air. These laminar flow hood are usually used where biological samples are being handled. It is even used while using sensitive materials, or semi-conductors. Mostly a clean bench has sample of exhibits which are sensitive to outside particles slung with the fact that the risk of contamination could probably be extremely dangerous and can destroy the sample working on.

·         Class I : These are similar to chemical fume hoods
·         Class II:  Hard ducted to the outside
·         Class III: TO be used when working on Human pathogens and other BSL-4 materials.
These laminar flow hoods are made up of stainless steel without any gaps or joints.


Laminar air flow hood works by using the in-flow laminar air. The concept is that the air in the portable laminar flow hoods is used via HEPA filters, which is so designed that it restricts the passage of particles as small as micro-organisms; thus, creating a particle free environment to work in for the laboratory personnel. After passing through HEPA filters it is circulated in the chamber i.e. the working area creating a particle free environment. A positive air pressure is maintained to avoid any back flow of the contaminated air from the room.

Usage of these laminar air flow hoods is maximum in research facilities where they need a dust free environment to work in. Even in CDC (Centre for Disease Control) and other such facilities these hoods are installed to maintain a sterilized environment. They are suitable for working areas which do not work with bio-hazards. The air flow of these cabinets is designed in such a way that while they give complete protection to the sample, it is not so with the user. The user is often exposed to contaminated air from the cabinets.  Various different types are available based on the nature of the work.

The efficiency of a laminar floe hood depends on a variety of reasons. The design, material used to create it, the comfort of usage is all important aspects of any laminar flow cabinet. These cabinets are available in various airflow setting configurations. Airflow that is passed through HEPA air filters can be either horizontally or vertically according to specific requirements. The primary purpose of these laminar flow cabinets is to prevent the sample or the exhibit that they are working on from external contamination. Wisely select your laminar flow hoods.